-Calocybe Gambosa-

St-George's Mushroom


Appearing in April, Calocybe gambosa has the common name St George's Mushroom. It is a good edible species, distinguished from other pale species of springtime by its mealy smell.


Cap :

5 to 15 cm diameter; initially almost spherical, becoming convex and sometimes almost flat; often misshapen but retaining an incurved margin. The cap surface is smooth and white with a light brown tinge that sometimes becomes tan with age.

Firm and white, the cap flesh is prone to maggot infestation as the fruit body ages, and so only fresh young specimens are worth collecting.

The sinuate gills are white, narrow and very crowded

Stipe :

2 to 4 cm wide and solid, usually curved and slightly thicker at the base, the stem is 3 to 7 cm tall. There is no stem ring.


Habitat :

In cropped pastures and mown roadside verges; occasionally in mixed woodland.



Occurence :

April to June.